Congressman Sensenbrenner Reintroduces Bill to Stop the Sexual Exploitation of Children

Today, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner reintroduced the Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act, which would allow the protections of the Adam Walsh Protection and Safety Act to continue saving the lives of children throughout the nation. Full Article

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Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner is a turd. he’s the typical white male ‘Facts Don’t Matter” rightist. He’s also the clown that introduced the BUILD WALL Act of 2017, another facts don’t matter bill.

How do we keep ending up with politicians of hate and not of humane improvement. Just another organism who wants a name in lights.

Aside from the idiocy of he law itself, I note that there is nothing in this bill that would expand on the original bill. Why even bother? (I’m asking a rational question. The answer of course is VOTES, which is an irrationally-rendered response, but I digress.)

In other news….

It is once again tomorrow somewhere meaning there this sentence was written yesterday.

Meanwhile elsewhere in a completely expected move someone, who shall remain nameless due to the obvious identity of relevance, has proven that from time to time with nothing better to do why not remind everyone they need think of the children again. Let’s not forget the world is a dangerous place that children must be protected from by reintroducing a law set to expire with no evidence it works as intended. Actually I would be willing to donate 1 dollar to congressman nonsense if he can personally prove this legislation prevented one instance of child sexual exploitation before it happened.

I find the following statement thought provoking, stimulating my Critical Thinking Skills.

“Additionally, there are also an estimated 100,000 fugitive sex offenders across the country who are unregistered or in violation of registry requirements.”

So there are 100,000 persons in America who have Not committed any further crime (for if they had committed further crime they would not be fugitives) and are Repentant & Law Abiding, perhaps even Productive Members of their Communities. So for all Practical Purposes all sexual offence laws & registry laws are In-Effective for targeting who in the future tense will be a Danger to the country. Clearly a waste of our Hard Earned Tax Dollars.

Here’s is another question Mr. Congressman of Effeciency, Pray Tell:
What is the penalty for the violation of a person being “Unregistrated” or the extremely Abtract term “In Violation of Registration Requirments”?

Answer: 10 year penalty of Incarnation !


The Honorable Gentleman wants to Take Tax Payer Monies to Round Up 100,000 US Citizens and Spend Future Coveted Net Net Tax Payer Money to support for 10 years in prison 100,000 plus US Citizens who Do Not violat any Criminal Law, in effect Self-Repentant, Self-Rehabilitated @No Cost To The Tax Payer.

Not to mention how this will affect the family & community who are Dependants of the Repentant Law Abider! – Whoops I mentioned it! The mind when enabled with Critical Thinking Skills produces many Interesting Questions.

Hopefully, the S.O. in Chief will subject this to the 1-in-2-out requirement.

What parts of the AWA were expiring that needed to be extended?

I just have to put this out there… Part of the reasoning the awa was created 11 years ago was becouse there was over 100,000 missing sex offenders. So your telling me in 11 years of the awa it has not brought that # down one bit? Hmm seems like it’s working. Also if there was 100,000 missing sex offenders wouldn’t you say in 11 years if the awa and it hasn’t caught one of those sex offenders that there not committing crimes? Becouse if they were than obviously that # would be down. I’d say the recidivism rate on us is 0 percent right? Sounds frightening and high…

Perhaps Trump will Drain Sensenbrenner from the swamp. There are a few changes to this issue of the AWA, Mostly to get more states to sign up for it. The guy doesn’t let anyone from the public that opposes it to speak at the hearing. I went to a past hearing, it was a waste of my time.

This is nothing more than another tactic to get people hysterical and fearful enough about sexual offense against children in order to get tough laws to pass which has done nothing good.